Wednesday 6 May 2015

Between An Addiction or A Fetish

"He confessed that whenever he had to make love or get turned on by his partner, she had to have a wig on"

Habits like this are rare and strange. As human beings, just as we are gifted with different talents, we also have the tendencies of picking or being exposed to rare behaviour patterns.

Behaviour pattern is a particular way a person behave or act. Having a fetish or an addiction is rare and yet common among peers.

A fetish is a fondness, obsession or  liking of something in a particular way, that may not be common.

It could be something ridiculous, it could be foot fetish, where you love to have your foot rubbed.

I remember how alarmed my best friend was, when she was approached by a man who wanted to pay her to dress in a certain way to get him aroused.

We need to understand that with fetishism, the love isn't for the lady but the object in which is being used.
Although people are of the opinion that fetishism may not be extreme, that most times, it is a way of spicing things up.

The word Fetish just refers to an affinity for something specific, not an absolute need for it. This is a mental illness, but out of ignorance, we classify this as addiction.

Addiction is dependence on a substance that is beyond voluntary control. That is, when you do not have control over what you are doing or taking, and become dependent to cope with daily life.

Years back, my secondary school classmate had to sell his mother's jewelry to satisfy his cocaine addiction.

Addicts engages in all sort of activities to satisfy their urge, which could be gambling, sex, shopping, alcohol intake, hard drugs etc.

Although the act might be pleasurable but it becomes a problem when it begins to affect normal life responsibilities.

However, most addictive behaviour are related to emotion stress and depression. 
These behaviour patterns can be managed. Here are few tips on how to overcome them:

1. Surround yourself with positive and supportive people

2. Get your environment ready for the change you want in your life

3. Put into writing how your life is affected by these acts : sometimes seeing it on paper helps

4.  Seek professional help, if you can't do it yourself

5. Identify the cause, that is; what triggers it

6. Make a list of the positive changes you want in your life and re-assure yourself that you are ready.

With these tips, you are at the top of gaining control over yourself and your activities.

Let's all learn to control our habits, not the other way round...